Descargar Dynamics and Bifurcations (Texts in Applied Mathematics) de Jack K. Hale,Hüseyin Kocak,H. Buttanri Libros Gratis en EPUB

Download Dynamics and Bifurcations (Texts in Applied Mathematics) de Jack K. Hale,Hüseyin Kocak,H. Buttanri PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Dynamics and Bifurcations (Texts in Applied Mathematics) Pdf en linea

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Críticas J.K. Hale, H. Kocak, and H. Buttanri Dynamics and Bifurcations 'This book takes the reader step by step through the vast subject of dynamical systems. Proceeding from 1 to 2 dimensions and onto higher dimensions in separate self-contained sections, the text is mathematically rigorous yet devoid of excess formalism. A refreshing balance is further achieved by the use of many excellent illustrations and a wealth of worked and unworked examples.'?MATHEMATIKA Reseña del editor In recent years, due primarily to the proliferation of computers, dynamical systems has again returned to its roots in applications. It is the aim of this book to provide undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics or science and engineering with a modest foundation of knowledge. Equations in dimensions one and two constitute the majority of the text, and in particular it is demonstrated that the basic notion of stability and bifurcations of vector fields are easily explained for scalar autonomous equations. Further, the authors investigate the dynamics of planar autonomous equations where new dynamical behavior, such as periodic and homoclinic orbits appears.

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Dynamics and bifurcations texts in applied mathematics dynamics and bifurcations this book takes the reader step by step through the vast subject of dynamical systems proceeding from 1 to 2 dimensions and onto higher dimensions in separate selfcontained sections the text is mathematically rigorous yet devoid of excess formalism